Buying gifts for occasions like Valentine's Day can seem to be at odds with aiming to be eco-friendly and consuming less. Yes, there are some people who would prefer just a heart-felt message, but many people really like to receive gifts, however small, and even more people enjoy the act of giving.

So why forgo these simple pleasures? We just need to be more eco-conscious about our giving. For example:
Rather than buying imported flowers which have been air-freighted in and therefore have enormous carbon footprints, buy locally grown flowers. Or even better, give a potted plant that will give pleasure for months or years, not just a few days.
Instead of buying an extravagant gift, what about a home-cooked meal with a beautifully laid table?
Or if you want to buy a more tangible gift, choose something that is sustainably sourced, that is biodegradable or recyclable when it's finished with, and which is entirely plastic-free, such as one of our gorgeous Soul and Soap shampoo bars or a beeswax candle or some pretty wax food wraps.
To complete your eco-friendly gift, wrap it in some pretty fabric, a homemade gift bag, or choose recycled wrapping paper and paper sticky tape so that it can all be recycled.