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Writer's pictureCatherine Wrench

Why a Dandelion?

Updated: Jun 14, 2024

You might be wondering why we chose a dandelion for our logo, and not the rather more obvious planet…

Most people see dandelions as weeds, but for us, they are a symbol of regeneration and triumphing against the odds.

Dandelions flower for most of the year, making their home in some of the most inhospitable places – cracks in walls and pavements, in compacted barren ground, even in tar sands.

Field full of yellow dandelions with single dandelion clock in foreground

They are at their peak from March to May, when pollinators are coming out of hibernation, luckily for the bees, dandelion flowers are packed with pollen and nectar. (From June onwards, feel free to pick the flowers for wine making.)

The deep tap roots of the dandelion break up and aerate compacted ground and if that isn’t enough, can also be used as a coffee substitute.

You can add fresh dandelion leaves to your salad, but when they are left in the ground to die down dandelion leaves enrich the soil with calcium.

For more thoughts on the amazing benefits of dandelions read Paula Kok – De Boer’s blog: Hello I'm a Dandelion

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